A shared sacred journey for women
A Stirring Start

Becoming Like Christ began in 2006 in Florida. Jennifer Adamson felt called to help women grow in Christ through long-term discipleship, dependence on the Holy Spirit, and friendship with other women.After prayerfully adapting the curriculum of Christian Leadership Concepts (CLC), Jennifer invited 11 women to join her in a multi-year discipleship experience. They discovered that the combination of disciplined study and deep friendships transformed their lives.

BLC has equipped women to lead groups in 15 cities. Over 600 women have participated in BLC group, with new groups forming regularly.
Kristin Cazana is the National Executive Director of BLC. As a new BLC group member in 2009, she was struck by how the Lord works when women open up to each other and earnestly seek to follow Him. She went on to co-lead a BLC group as well as the BLC Knoxville City Leadership Team before assuming her current role.
BLC’S calling is to develop women who love Jesus, walk closely with Him, and become disciples who feel qualified to live and lead for Him. BLC equips women with the truth of God’s Word to mature them into the image of Christ as they live and serve passionately in their homes, workplaces, churches, and communities.
Kristin Cazana
Kristin CazanaNational Executive Director

The BLC discipleship experience is a two-year process (or three if a group observes a school year calendar) in which each woman in a small group is expected to:

  • Attend weekly meetings (2 hours per week) and 2-3 overnight retreats
  • Prepare for weekly meetings including Bible verse memorization, study, and assigned reading (1-2 hours per week)
  • Actively participate in discussion, encouragement, and group accountability
  • Take part in agreed upon group ministry opportunities and social gatherings
  • Prayerfully seek to find her place of service within the body of Christ

Forming BLC groups doesn’t involve sign-up sheets. They always begin through prayer.

God calls a couple of faithful women to co-facilitate a group. They pray for God to reveal the women that will join the group and invite them as God makes them known.

Those invited women pray about their participation and embark upon an amazing journey that transforms their lives.

“What a joy to share those ‘lightbulb’ moments as God reveals more of Himself to us. What a blessing to see the love of God poured out in us and through us. As a group and as individuals, we are forever changed by what we have learned through BLC!”
Jackye, Atlanta
“BLC is truly a picture of what the body of Christ should be—growing in your walk with the Lord in the context of community. It’s discipleship the way Jesus modeled it!”
Gretchen, Orlando
“Walking through BLC with other women has been nothing short of a joyous journey. I love digging deep into the Word of God with our group, memorizing Scripture together so that it’s hidden in our hearts, and praying with and for one another.”
Jennifer, Chapel Hill